Unless you are atypically turned off about the latest happenings in the tech world, the hurricane-induced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) must have touched you too. The buzz around this latest tech trend has reached a new level of intensity in the post COVID period, and the development of different AI-enabled services has introduced a new horizon to the fields like healthcare, education, business, and more. In 2020, artificial intelligence startups raised over $33 billion, says the report of CB Insights.
Though AI is frequently thrown around, for many, it’s still a little-explored area. Today’s post aims to walk you through ten wonderful things that AI can do, of which you may not have heard yet. Read on and get to know about all that’s involved!
What does Artificial Intelligence Refer to?
The term Artificial Intelligence refers to the technology that enables machines to respond appropriately to stimuli, solve problems, learn, and engage imaginations like humans. In other words, AI is the informatics that aims to emulate the way the human brain works. With a set of rules to solve any given problem, AI performs a number of overwhelming tasks. The 10 most surprising among them are mentioned below.
1. AI can be your Pet
Granted, real pets are adorable, lovable, and funny. However, there are people who prevent themselves from getting a pet because of a few setbacks associated with them. Real pets need care, cleaning, and time which may look somehow challenging for those who lead an extremely busy life.
You may be surprised to know that AI can help you pacify your thirst for having a furry companion! Though AI pets are robots, they look like real animals, and their actions are equally funny and adorable as a real pets.
At CES 2021, an AI robot pet named Moflin was presented. This charming and cute creature is capable of expressing its personality depending on how it’s being treated by its owner. Anxiety, happiness, excitement, love – Moflin can express every emotion just like a real pet. It boasts built-in sensors and microphones, which allow it to evaluate its surroundings. In addition, it comes with an app that is accessible on both android and iOS. Moflin is developed by Vanguard Industries.
2. AI can do the Job of a Jury
Indeed, it may look overwhelming when you hear that Artificial Intelligence can grade and determine the winner in a contest. A live example of this is “Paris the A.I.” which acts as the jury to grade websites depending on their creativity, originality, security, user-friendliness, and agility.
Powered by Web Awards, this AI jury studies the decisions made by human juries under different conditions during the last two decades from various public sources. Paris the AI shows that there are a few concrete points where we all agree on some definitions. Paris takes similarity of opinions to choose the best websites. Its awareness is processed by machine learning. Paris is grading websites every day with increased efficiency and perfection based on 7 factors;
– Design
– Technology
– Traffic
– Security
– Speed
– Content value
– Domain name value
It encourages all innovative works by their level of excellence and creativity, helping them to push boundaries. This gratification machine aims to motivate the teams who have worked hard to develop websites that stand out in miles and appreciate them for their courage, talent, and effort by acclaiming their skill and ability.
In a crowded marketplace like the internet, the award of the best website goes far beyond mere decoration and declaration. It signifies that a domain is different from the remaining 350,000,000 domains, and a website stands out from the remaining 200,000,000 websites floating on the web verse. Thus, an AI can distribute prestige.
3. AI can Detect Cancer
When it comes to mentioning the biggest problem in treating cancer, the formation of metastases in the human body probably tops the list. Very small cancerous cells move through the lymphatic system, and they make temporary nests anywhere, creating a new tumor.
Detecting them is pretty difficult. In fact, at times, it’s hard to check if they are in the body or not. This relapse is a dangerous threat to cancer patients. However, with Artificial Intelligence, the detection of metastases has become almost effortless. Lyna, an Artificial Intelligence, has been successful in finding tumors in lymph node images. Lyna’s success rate is 99%, which talks about a promising future in cancer treatment.
4. AI can do Face Recognition
Facial recognition is one of the front-runner applications of Artificial Intelligence. You can say that it’s an advanced form of biometric authentication, which is able to identify and verify a person from his facial features. Facial recognition technology has been quite popular in the last few years.
A lot of venture capitalists are funding facial recognition startups due to their efficient outlook. Using AI algorithms and Machine Learning to detect human faces from the background, face recognition AI usually searches for human eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nostrils, and iris.
Once it captures all the facial features, it uses large data sets that contain both positive and negative images to confirm additional validations. The most common techniques used for facial recognition are template matching, appearance-based, feature-based, and knowledge-based.
One of the prominent examples of an efficient face recognition AI is Deep Vision. It can automatically understand videos and images, and it turns them into real-time analytics to provide accurate and valuable insights. Deep Vision offers a plug-and-play platform to its global users. It saves real-time alerts and agile responses depending on the analysis of the camera streams using different AI-based models. It’s highly accurate, notably flexible, and outstandingly performing.
5. AI can Understand Emotions
There are Artificial Intelligence tools capable of tracking one’s emotions. By gathering data from a person’s body language and facial expressions, AI can predict the emotional expression of humans. To determine the emotion, it analyzes the captured expression, body language, and more against an emotions database. Then, it detects an action based on this information.
A metasearch engine and travel agency, Skyscanner, leveraged the emotion AI technology of Sightcorp to their Russian website. This emotion AI is capable of detecting and measuring crucial facial expressions like disgust, surprise, anger, happiness, etc. Using this technology, Skyscanner managed to develop an engaging booking experience.
Here, the customer would have to take a picture of them, which was processed by the API. Depending upon the face result, the site used to display travel recommendations. For example, if a guest expresses anger, the API would come up with a suggestion of a snowy destination.
6. AI can Drive you Around
The testing of autonomous vehicles at scale on public roads and in many major cities has already started. According to statistics, self-driving vehicles have already driven millions of miles with minimal rates of collisions and injuries. It is expected that autonomous vehicles will take over the key in the coming decade.
The self-driving cars are powered by AI technologies. They work on image recognition systems, neural networks, and machine learning that combinedly develop autonomous car driving mechanisms. The neural network identifies patterns in data, which is processed by machine learning algorithms. It includes pictures from cameras that help the neural network to recognize pedestrians, street signs, traffic lights, etc.
It combines the data of sensors and receptors to use that system-generated knowledge to identify the driving environment precisely. Here it’s worth remembering that with increased driving frequency, the neural network enriches its deep learning algorithms with more data, which eventually enhances its driving choices.
A lot of companies have started developing AI-driven cars, and the list includes BMW, General Motors, Tesla, Volvo, Google, Audi, Volkswagen, etc. Waymo (formerly a part of Google’s self-driving car project) is one of the most known examples of a driverless Chrysler minivan.
7. AI can help you Binge-Watch
Did you know that wherever you log on to your Spotify/Netflix or even ecommerce sites, you shake your hands with Artificial Intelligence? To clarify, the section that pops up in front of your eyes as ‘you may also like’ is nothing but the charisma of Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning recommendation engines are one of the most common examples of AI in use. They collect data based on your habits, making them invariably efficient in predicting your choices.
One of the finest examples of an AI for binge-watching is AVA, which is used by Netflix to source stills from its hundreds and thousands of titles. These eventually turn into representative images that Netflix leverages to enhance viewer engagement by providing them with the recommendations according to their preference.
8. AI can make Smart Decisions
AI efficiently coordinates data delivery, analyzes trends, provides forecasts, builds data consistency, and quantifies uncertainties. Together, they can help you make the right decisions for your organization. The best part is that unless AI is programmed to imitate human emotions, it will make decisions unbiasedly, notably supporting business efficacy.
Typically, AI analyzes mammoth amounts of data and presents critical insights to business owners, which help them see a bigger picture that drives a more informed decision. Currently, Artificial Intelligence has earned the ability of autonomous decision making, which ensures the highest ROI. The application of AI in decision-making is being widely used in healthcare, retail, manufacturing, energy, and finance sectors.
MakerSights is an AI tool used by the retail brand Teva and Hoka for well-thought retail and support decision-making. The organization uses it throughout the process of creating products and go-to marketing. From validating assortments, and agile product attributions, to collecting input for product hypotheses and rendering amazing mobile user experience – MakerSight does that all with the utmost efficiency.
9. AI can help in Business Continuity
Artificial Intelligence’s area of expertise is limited to smart decision-making, but it can help businesses prepare for any emergency and ensure business continuity. Risk management is significantly dependent on data management and analysis, and AI-powered tools can effectively help companies respond to the crisis. In addition, machine learning and AI are also capable of creating scenarios to help entrepreneurs develop a speedy disaster recovery blueprint.
IBM Clouds’ disaster recovery solution is one of the popular examples of an AI that helps in disaster recovery and business continuity. However, it’s designed to cater to specific use cases. It comes with a business continuity planning system, business impact analysis, and risk analysis mechanism.
10. AI can Read and Write for you
Do you strive to save time by paying attention to the salient communication points only? Well, Artificial Intelligence can help you with this. Be it legal documents, emails, books, audio and image files, or web links, using automatic text summarization, Machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence can read the communication and report back to you with necessary information. Typically, the applications working with this AI involve technologies like Blockchain and national language processing.
Not only reading, but Artificial Intelligence can also help you in writing. There are several journalists and news organizations like the Washington Post and The New York Times, who rely on AI for creating state-of-the-art pieces.
Typically, these pieces are formulaic, but Artificial Intelligence can expand beyond this with suitable programming. This will definitely promise more creative writing. Marketers across the globe are leveraging this ability of AI to design out-of-the-box social media posts. Recently, a novel generated by AI has been shortlisted for an award.
Final Words
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence offer a multitude of opportunities that can transform the world around us and render us a far better living experience. The wonders AI can do are not limited to the mentioned ten things – their advancement has reached a different degree of functionalism.
They can detect death, they can paint, they can drive machines and the list is probably endless. Now imagine that all these skills may get merged into one super Artificial Intelligence – will it be exhilarating or frightening? Only time can give the right answer to this; however, if advancement and progress are for good, we should always welcome them wholeheartedly.