It seems like children are asking for a cell phone earlier and earlier every year. What they don’t realize is that having a phone is a responsibility, not just an item everyone else seems to have.
Deciding whether or not your child is ready for a phone means weighing the pros and cons.
Many lessons can be learned by giving your kids their own device from safety to responsibility to even better organization. However, they can also experience trial and error while learning those skills. There are a few ways to tell if your child is ready for their first phone. Whether they have been asking for a while or just started inquiring, keep these factors in mind when you make your decision.
1. They Demonstrate Responsibility
Phones today are very expensive. They are also delicate pieces of technology. When considering getting one for your child, you must first ask if they are ready to handle this responsibility. How do your children treat their own belongings? Are they able to keep track of their property without being reminded? Do they come home with the same items they left the house with?
These are all important questions to ask yourself when considering a phone for kids. If a child is making responsible choices, that means they are more likely to make the right decisions when given a phone. Also, giving new responsibilities to your children can show them that you trust them. This can give them a new sense of pride and self-confidence.
2. They Know How To Communicate Effectively
Another important factor in phone readiness is asking yourself if your child can properly use one. Sure, every child knows how to unlock the latest smartphone and play games and take selfies, but what about using the phone to communicate?
Can your child dial and complete a call? Do they know how to check and send a text message? If your child knows the basics of communication, then they may be ready for their own phone. You might challenge them to memorize your phone number before letting them get a phone that will do it for them. Also, make sure they know how to communicate safely and will avoid giving their contact information to strangers.
Cell phones also have other tools that, when used appropriately, can be helpful to your child. If you live in an area where it is safe for kids to walk or bike, they can learn how to use apps like navigation to go independently. Most phones will also allow you to track them as they adventure.
3. Family Schedules Are Complicated
Aside from communication purposes, cell phones for kids are great for busy families. If your children are heavily involved in afterschool activities, sports, and other clubs, giving them a phone could be a lifesaver. To avoid pick-up and drop-off disasters, adding the kids to a family group chat is a reasonable solution.
Giving your kids cell phones is also an effective means of keeping communication through custody arrangements and other types of family structures. If your child only gets to see dad on the weekend, a cell phone could help them communicate more often. A phone could also be helpful on family trips and vacations for extra safety. If a child is separated, they could easily call an adult for help.
4. You Want to Prepare Them
There is no way around it, to operate in today’s world, you have to be technically inclined. When was the last time you heard someone give out their landline number? Another benefit of choosing to get your child a call phone is that they are less likely to fall behind.
Growing up today means living in a world where there has always been the internet, and connections are growing rapidly. Having access to their communication networks may be essential for kids to keep up with a growing world. Not providing a cell phone simply because “you didn’t need one growing up” may be more harmful than helpful. Besides feeling like they fit in with peers, kids may need technology to stay relevant and learn essential skills.
It might be hard to think about while you watch kids glued to their phones, but they could teach necessary job skills. Teach your kids how to use it, and view it as a learning opportunity. You can teach them boundaries, and starting early can make it easier to talk about internet safety later.
While it seems impossible to peel the kids from their devices these days, a cell phone may help them connect, learn new skills, and prepare for the future. Deciding if your child is ready is up to you. However, there are some signs to tell you it might be time. If they’re responsible, practicing safety, and have reasons they need to connect with others, a cell phone would be reasonable.
Phones are, at their root, communication devices. Getting them a phone is a great way to strengthen communication. Additionally, your kids will learn many valuable skills with their new independence. They can start taking care of themselves and taking accountability. Next time your child starts begging you for a cell phone, it may be worth considering before just telling them no. It could help your child navigate the modern world.