The MBA is a very demanding qualification and can be even more so when you’re studying alone. For example, you have to find a way to stay on top of all your assignments, and you also have to find a way to stay focused. On top of that, you may need to collaborate on projects with fellow students from the other side of the globe without missing a beat. None of this is possible without using the right tools. Here are some of the tech tools all online MBA students should have in their toolbox.
Productivity Apps
One of the first things we would recommend is that you look into some of the productivity tools you can find on the market. Depending on your style, you might need something that will keep you focused when doing work, or preventing you from drifting. Others might need tools to make them accountable and reach their work objectives. Whatever your goal is, there is a tool for you.

One of the tools we recommend you pick up is Habit List. This is like a to-do list on steroids. Habit List will allow you to schedule things not only directly related to your courses, but outside of them, whether it’s working out, meditating, or picking up the shopping. This is essential if you intend to work at the same time too.
You also want a tool that will prevent you from drifting away while working. You need a tool that will allow you to block certain sites temporarily, like Freedom, for instance. Freedom will allow you to block particular websites, but it does much more; it’s the only app that can block apps and websites across all your devices simultaneously. It can also block websites, apps, or even the whole internet if you need it. A great tool if you need to block anything off and get some serious work done.
One challenge a lot of students have to face when studying online is keeping track of assignments. Shoshiku is an application that will allow you to keep a schedule and give notifications to remind you of important work or exams.
If you’re having consistent trouble staying on track, you also have to consider the format of your MBA. If you’re in the UK, you could go for an MBA UK with a fixed schedule or one where you can attend classes when you want. We would strongly suggest that you go with the former if you have trouble with assignments. This will give the whole program much more structure and prevent you from falling behind.
This one could be an absolute lifesaver if you’re having trouble concentrating on your writing. This word processor was made to be as pleasing to the eyes as possible and has a great full-screen mode that allows you to block out any distractions. Also, it allows you to quickly consult encyclopaedias or dictionaries when you need extra information on a subject. It also blocks programs that could affect productivity.
Dropbox is an essential tool not only for online students but for any student who needs to collaborate remotely. Dropbox allows you to send documents to other people without the restrictions imposed by most email providers. Files of any size can be accessed through any device of your choice. You and your colleagues will be able to easily collaborate on files in real-time and get instant feedback. A great all-around tool that you are very likely to use in the professional world, it would be a good idea to start getting familiar with it now.
Exam Prep Apps
Various tools will allow you to prepare for important exams. You have tools like BenchPrep, for instance, that take a social media approach to the whole thing. You and other test-takers can collaborate and study in real-time. This will not only be great for those who might be stumped on certain concepts, but it’s also a great way to bring some social aspect to online classes.
You can also use the app to check out revision materials and quizzes or to track your personal progress. An essential tool for anyone who wants to be well prepared and connect with students from all over the world.
These are just some of the tools that you can use to help you during your studies. Whether you need help to stay on top of assignments, connect with friends and colleagues, or stay on top of day to day tasks, you’ll have everything you need to succeed and stay focused.