Most of us who own an iPhone know how to use it. But there are a few life hacks that will make it even easier to use your phone. Such as how to move your marker efficiently when you’re texting, or how to scan documents using the Notes app.
In this article, we want to show you how you can be more productive with your iPhone.
1. Scan Documents in Notes
Did you know that you can scan documents with your phone? To do so, open a new note in the Notes app. Tap the camera button, press “Scan document” in the pop-up menu, then place your document in front of the camera. Take a picture, and adjust the image by dragging the corners to fit the page. Tap Save when you’re done.
2. Delete Last Digit in Calculator
Many of us have experienced getting very frustrated over not being able to delete digits in the calculator app, resulting in having to start all over again. Luckily, you can delete digits instead of deleting the whole number. So, the next time you’re working on your budget and trying to find out if refinancing is a good idea, this tip will come in handy.
Put your finger by the last digit, and swipe from right to left!
Bonus tip! Want to access the calculator faster? Go to the search bar on the top by swiping to the left. Then insert your calculations, and your answer will pop up.
3. Make Your Keyboard
If you have an iPhone 8+ or one of the larger models, you know the struggle of typing a text without having both of your hands free. By setting your keyboard to one-handed, texting with one hand will be much easier!
To do so, press the globe icon until you see a menu. Select right or left-handed keyboard, and voila! To go back to the regular keyboard, simply press the arrow on the right or left side.
4. Battery Health
Did you know that charging your phone up to 100%, and letting it stay in the charger on 100% for a long period of time could actually hurt your phone battery? Apple has done something about this!
The tool called Optimized Battery Charging (available on IOS 13) uses machine learning to fully understand your charging routine. If you tend to let your phone stay in the charger at 100% at a certain point of the day, for instance when charging at night, your iPhone won’t let it charge at this stage for long, but rather use a longer period of time to get there.
Go to Battery in settings, then Battery Health, and then turn it this feature on.
5. Emoji Shortcuts
Trying to find the correct emoji can, sometimes, take a while. By creating shortcuts to your favourite emojis, you won’t have to spend time searching!
Go to Settings, General, Keyboard, Text Replacement, then tap the + icon on the right.
6. Find Photos More Easily
Your iPhone is getting smarter – meaning it can recognize faces, animals and other things. This means that if you want to find a specific photo, you can actually search for it.
Open up your Photos app, click the Search tab on the bottom, and search for any words that may describe your photo. The app is also able to recognize the faces of the names in your contact list.