It is not a secret that lots of modern students have a great volume of technological aid when it comes to dealing with their educational chores. Compared to how our parents and grandparents used to obtain education, it can easily be stated that the students of modernity do not even need to study. Everything they need to do is to memorize the information kindly provided to them by their gadgets. However, regardless of how good students of today might be at using technologies, there is a number of Android and iOS study apps for high school that not all the students know about and which can substantially simplify the life of students, and this article is meant to tell you about this apps.

Dropbox and Google Drive
There is no wonder in the fact that we start our review of the apps, namely, with these two giants of file storage services. Everybody knows that modern students have to handle tons of files – essays, assignments, blog posts, etc. – and it seems that thee could use a bit of unified space for keeping their files organized and safe. When it comes to talking about education apps for high school, rest assured that these two have to top the list as files storage and organization is where modern education starts.
College Essay Writing Help
First, I know you are not in college yet, but this is the goal that you are striving for, isn’t it? Secondly, writing is the bulk of modern education, am I right? Thus, College Essay Writing Service like is among the apps for highschool students, available on both Android and iOS, that was coded and designed for the students who are eager to plan their writing endeavors in advance. Planning means a lot in modern education, so why would you reject the opportunity of planning the completion of your writing assignments in seconds?
Exam Countdown Lite
Continuing the topic of planning, there is this special type of students who tend to forget even about their exams. Those who can relate to the aforementioned statement make sure to download this app right after reading this article. Sometimes an exam can be passed in the form of an essay, so you can also visit PhDEssay if you fancy some help with your exam. Anyway, writing is an integral part of the educational process, so you’d better use Exam Countdown Lite in order not to miss none of them. But, if you feel like the deadline is pushing and still you managed to forget about your written exams, you can always use the service provided above.
I have never been a big fan of math, but I do acknowledge the importance of this discipline as it can open a lot of doors for students in regards to their professional future. Therefore, getting some free help with your math assignments is never a bad idea. Furthermore, the app features a lot of theoretical information on how the equations – or whatever they call them – can and should be solved. Still, rest assured that Mathway is not an app for the math dummies only. As a matter of fact, it is a specially designed service for dealing with complicated mathematical problems.
Please, do not even try to tell that all the information that you use in your essays comes from your mind. It is impossible. Thus, the need for finding a quick and convenient way of citing your materials becomes impeccable. Cited will take proper care of all the citations that you would like to insert into your essay. Want to stay on the safe side and not be caught for plagiarizing? Check your gadget and if Cited is not installed on it yet, fix this.
Google Docks
If you are a high school student, you can easily find yourself in a situation when you’ll to take some urgent notes or even write a couple of essays while offline. If you Google Docs, you can sleep tight. You will be able to access all your materials with the help of Google Docs, especially if you store them on your Google Drive.
Forest-Stay Focused
The entire process of studying can be really tiresome. First of all, it can take a lot of effort to at least remember what you have to do. Being a high school student is a tall order to face. The world of online apps is here to help. Forest-Stay Focused app will assist you in staying focused on your ongoing tasks, homework, and everything else that is at least somehow related to your studies. Remember, it is not your fault that every teacher is eager to make you reach beyond your limits in high school. Use this app to know when each new challenge awaits you.
These are not only the types of assignments that you, as a high school student, have to deal with that come in abundance but also the formats in which they should be uploaded to the blackboards. Imagine yourself in a classroom with a hard copy of your essay, as all of a sudden, a teacher claim that you have to upload a PDF file of your assignment to his Google Drive, the class’s platform on Moodle, etc. TurboScan will help you make PDFs out of the photos of your copy that will make with your smartphone.
Being a high school student is not the easiest of tasks to cope with. So, having technology on your side, make sure that you use the benefits provided by it to the full. Organize your learning activities, smooth the writing process, and stay ready to upload and download anything the teacher needs. This is the world of apps. Try and do your best to make sure that your apps are applied the way they should be.