A good memory is the dream of many of us, as it makes it possible to cope with a large amount of work in the shortest possible time. Many people cannot tell the difference between eidetic and photographic memory. As a result, they cannot achieve good results during training. By understanding these two concepts, you can make your workouts more effective.
What Is The Difference Between Photographic And Eidetic Memory?
Many of us experience discomfort due to memory problems. It complicates even the simplest tasks, makes us more insecure and confused. As a result, many people dream of having a photographic memory. It allows its owner to achieve great results and shock the interlocutors. Do photographic memories exist?
Eidetic memory is a special kind of short-term memory. When people close their eyes, they can reproduce the image they have just seen in their creation. Someone can present the image in more detail, producing it longer. A good result is an ideal detailing within 1015 seconds, and then the image becomes blurred.
Photographic memory is a unique form of long-term memory. A person can see some image, landscape, or document, remember it in the smallest detail and reproduce it in consciousness even after a few years. The picture drawn in mind should be as clear as a photograph, hence the name.
History remembers only a few people who had such superpowers. Prominent examples were:
- Nikola Tesla,
- Theodore Roosevelt,
- Sergey Rachmaninov,
- Pope John Paul II,
- Ferdinand Marcos,
- Julius Caesar and many others.
Often this phenomenon is congenital or the result of painstaking work in early childhood. In adulthood, achieving such results is incredibly difficult and sometimes even impossible. However, there is now a way to get photographic memory due to the ideal eidetic.
In addition, many people confuse photographic memory and hyperthymesia. In some sources, these two concepts are identified. However, there is a definite difference between the two. Hyperthymesia is a person’s ability to memorize all the details of their biography to the smallest detail. People can retell the dialogues, redraw the events that happened. However, they cannot remember documents that are associated with other personalities.
How To Improve Eidetic Memory?
How to improve memory? The concept is that you can only get closer to developing photographic memory if you achieve perfect eidetic memory. The memory app MemoryOS allows you to achieve excellent memorization.
Before starting training, you need to pass a small test. Start by putting a family photo or cityscape picture in front of you. Then close your eyes and present it in as much detail as possible. Time yourself and try to calculate how quickly the image in your mind will completely blur.
Next, you can move on to the workout. Using a memory app has the following advantage:
- Improves the ability to memorize;
- Improves logical thinking;
- Allows you to improve short-term memory;
- Interactive learning.
Once a month, you can do the same test as you did before training. It will track the dynamics.
If you think the pace is too slow, you can perform additional actions, such as memorizing poetry, solving logic puzzles, or memorizing cars passing by.
In addition, you can improve brain function if you normalize your sleep and work routine, introduce some healthy foods into your diet, and spend more time outdoors. Of course, each of the above tips cannot lead to photographic memory development, but if you act systematically, do not skip training and make sure that the body does not feel overworked. The result will become noticeable in a few months.
So, if you want to have an excellent photographic memory, you need to perform various actions to improve the general state of memory and imagination. You shouldn’t expect the results to appear in a short time, but if you act systematically and exercise regularly, you can see improvements in a few weeks.