After the launch of e-challan and e-payment system, there have a lot of challans in the country. If you are a vehicle owner, you might have encountered a situation where you violated new traffic rules. Also, there are serval cases where you didn’t know about the traffic rules violations but e-challan was issued.
The e-challan system is easy for people violating traffic rules under the Motor Vehicles Amendment Act 2019. The offender must need to collect the challan and pay the penalty either in traffic police headquarters or court.
Unless the offense is severe, you don’t need to visit the police station, you can easily pay the penalty online. Here is a step by step guide for paying the e-challan online.
Procedure To Pay Traffic e-Challan Online
Step 1: First, visit the official website of your state’s transport department. Let us take Bengaluru as an example, you may have to visit the Bengaluru Traffic Police (bpt) website to pay the traffic penalty.
Step 2: Scroll down to the pay your fine section where people can pay traffic challans online.
Step 3: There are different options available to pay challan online, simply tap on the Pay Violation Notice. In case if you lost challan then select the search and pay violation by vehicle number option.
Step 4: Next, you need to enter vehicle owner details such as name and registration number to search issued challans on the vehicle.
Step 5: Here you can see a list of outstanding challans and select the challan you want to pay online.
Step 6: You can make payment using any kind of payment method such as debit card, credit card, paytm, net banking and UPI.
Step 7: Once you complete the payment, the challan will be cleared and you can also download the payment receipt.
While online payment is easiest and most convenient method, you can also pay traffic fine at the police station where the challan was issued. When visiting the police station don’t forget to carry the required documents along with traffic violation letter. The availability of multiple payment methods makes easier for people to pay their outstanding fines.