In 2022, the Esports industry is expected to continue growing at an accelerated pace with a number of trends dominating the year ahead. As one of the fastest-growing digital trends of the past decade, it is expected to reach new heights as technological advancements continue to emerge and a growing number of existing sports fans get on board with the trend. If you are curious as to what the most popular Esports trends of 2022 are predicted to be, continue reading to find out everything you need to know.

Increased audience engagement
As a growing number of people familiarise themselves with the wide-reaching benefits of Esports, audience engagement is expected to increase in 2022. This is largely due to the fact that Esports tend to be more flexible and accessible than traditional sports and, as a result, encourages more people to get involved. With a growing number of streaming platforms continuing to stream Esports tournaments in real-time into the next year, audiences are also expected to tune in on live television, league websites, and social media to keep up with the action even if their geographical location has prohibited them from doing so in the past.
Greater investment
As one of the latest and greatest digital trends to take the world by storm in recent years, Esports is expected to see greater investment in 2022 and beyond. When it comes to investors tapping into the ever-expanding Esports industry, Tej Kohli is worth a mention. He has already invested over $100 million into the Switzerland-based Rewired Venture Studio fund to become one of Europe’s largest individual Esports investors. Dune Ventures has also emerged as one of the industry’s most prolific investors with David Brillembourg focusing on opportunities within gaming, Esports, and interactive technology that will drive the future of gaming.
More live events
As the gaming industry returns to some sort of normalcy in 2022, the Esports industry is expected to host more live events than ever before. This is likely to trigger something of a domino effect that will lead to more fans, ticket sales, and venue revenue in the process. The Esports industry is, after all, designed for live events with in-person spectatorship a fundamental component of the entire Esports experience from start to finish. With the news of specialised Esports arenas being built all over the world, 2022 will be the year that live events return and the true scale of the Esports industry is truly realised.
In 2022, the Esports industry is expected to continue reaching new heights with a number of trends poised to dominate the next year. This includes increased audience engagement as live streaming platforms stream tournaments in real-time, greater investment as a number of individual investors and investment companies seek to stay ahead of the curve, and more live events as in-person spectatorship makes its highly anticipated return to normal throughout the world. This comes after Esports enjoyed one of its most successful years yet in 2021 and is showing no signs of slowing down just yet.