Whether you are just putting together a startup or currently operate a successful company, having a solid IT infrastructure should always at the top of your priority list. Making the right choice when it comes to hardware can mean a lot for your business, so we get it’s not an easy decision. This leads us to the old question: Mac or Windows?
While Windows is still the preferred operating system when it comes to the gaming community, Mac devices have gained a lot of traction in the corporate environment, especially in the past decade.
How come Mac is such an enterprise favorite? The reasons are many. Apple devices have always been known for their privacy-forward qualities, ease of use, and enhanced security; not to mention impeccable user experience.
To settle this debate, we have done our research and put together a list of reasons why CEOs pledge loyalty to Mac devices.
Macs are regarded to be more secure than PCs. In general, fewer viruses are created for Apple, and hackers and cyber criminals target them less. Their robust operating system (macOS) provides excellent defense against the majority of cyber-attacks. And, as you probably know, cyber defense should be high up on your priority list, to protect yourself, your business, your employers, and your clients.
Obviously, no operating system is un-hackable, so you will still need to make sure your Mac devices are secured, kept up to date, and not exposed to threats. The IT experts at Netzen recommend you start training your IT support team to be fluent in Mac before purchasing a whole fleet of products, to make sure they understand how to keep these devices protected.
Ease of use
One of the main reasons business owners favor Mac over PC is that they are much more user-centered and accessible for anyone. In the business field, you need your team to be as comfortable with their devices as possible, to be able to work efficiently. User-friendliness and accessibility are strong selling points for Mac devices.
Entrepreneurs often worry the transition from Mac to PC will be difficult for their staff, slowing down business processes and rising tension in the office. While this is a valid concern, it is not the case when it comes to Mac devices. Apple knows it can be intimidating to switch to a new environment, which is why it has lots of free resources and guides to make the transition from Windows to PC easier.
Connected ecosystem
Aside from Macs, Apple has a suite of products that dominate the tech market in both the smartphone and tablet sectors. If your employees use iPhones or iPads for their jobs, transitioning to Mac is going to be a breeze. Apple’s ecosystem offers great connectivity, allowing users to easily share files and manage their digital life, making their products a great asset for businesses. This means an entire IT infrastructure built on Apple devices is much easier to run than a Windows-based one.
Another concern arises when it comes to how well Macs integrate with business tools such as the MS Office Suite and project management tools. You will be pleased to know most of these software providers have updated their applications to run seamlessly on Apple’s new M1 Chip, as users are very pleased with the results.
Strong build quality
Apple devices are recognized for their great performance and solid build quality. Any Apple user knows these devices are reliable, last a long time, and rarely fail to perform. iPhones remain great smartphones even after years of use, and a MacBook can last you well over 7 years, which is more than most Windows-based laptops.
If costs are your main concern, Apple also has a Certified Refurbished Products section, where you can save about 15% on a device. All devices come with Apple’s standard warranty policy, and they are eligible for extended warranty plans as well.
Higher resale value
While it is true Apple devices come with a price, they also deliver on the money. Because Apple devices are reliable, secure, and sturdy, their value also depreciates less over time. A 5-year-old Mac can be sold at a much higher value than a PC of about the same age and price.
When you do decide to make another hardware upgrade, which will be another huge investment, it provides some peace of mind knowing you can get back at least part of the previous investment.
Some experts say owning a fleet of Mac devices can end up being more cost-effective for businesses in the long run. Taking into consideration the total cost of ownership, Macs are actually much more cost-effective over the course of 4 years than a Windows-based infrastructure.
Design capabilities
Many businesses that venture into the world of digital design choose Mac products over Windows products. This comes as no surprise, as many designers say they learned how to create on Mac devices first.
Marketing and Public Relations companies also favor Macs over PCs, precisely because they provide a more organized ecosystem that can be easily interconnected. Information travels fast, clients need answers, and time is of the essence when it comes to reputation management. Being able to create content fast and upload it in a matter of seconds is paramount in such environments.
Adds to company image
Apple is a reputable and well-known brand, which is why businesses that associate with it are often perceived as such as well. Mac devices may sometimes go better with a brand’s overall image, especially if the company is required to be forward-thinking and tech-savvy.
Image is an important aspect for businesses and going into a meeting with a MacBook will certainly establish you as a credible business, simply because you understood the type of investment these products are.
Macs offer a more up-to-date look to your business, and they are very recognizable. You can’t deny an office full of Mac devices simply looks more sleek and professional.