These days, applicants are coming up with unique, interesting ways to show their qualifications and CVs. Why type a boring old resume when you can put your best foot forward by showing up with your very own website?
A website is the medium of choice, whether it be for blogging, sharing your passion for your hobbies, helping people out or when you need a personal virtual space to rant. is your best choice when you want to create a personal website without any knowledge of how to build them. Here’s how easy it is to use the website builder:
Sign Up. The portal is designed to allow fast and easy registration. Simply enter your preferred login, password and email address, and voila! You’re all signed up and ready to create a free website.
First-time users can enjoy the free package as long as they like, but there’s always an option to upgrade to the paid one, especially if you’ll need hPage’s premium features.
Choose Your Template. Browse through dozens of available templates and pick one that best fit your style. You can then easily build a free website that looks like a million dollars.
Customize. Paint a virtual picture as you customize your site’s template. The website builder software is quite robust and has a collection of tools that allow you to tweak, edit and change things to your heart’s desire.
Adding designs is mostly a drag and drop affair. This means you can choose Building Blocks, click on it and drag it onto the unfinished website. You may also change templates at this point without having to go back or losing your current work.
Choose Your Domain Name. Make it short, sweet and easy to remember. Choose the .com domain if possible, and make .net, .info or .org into secondary ones.
Publish Your Website. When everything looks good, it’s time to show your website to the world.
Follow these steps to creating your unique website. Then, the content and uploading is all up to you.