Digital marketing is a do-or-die thing for now. You cannot expect your business to grow if you have not invested in digital marketing or social media platforms. Searching for the right people to promote your product and services is a task, and a layman might not be able to do it, people. Furthermore, there are several tools and software associated with every social media, particularly Facebook and Instagram, so to manage all this one needs to follow some tips.
Moreover, even when you follow the guidelines, still you will have to stay in touch with some social media marketing experts, such as the Buzz guru, they will help you explore a lot of other necessary and impactful dimensions too.

Being a one-man army if you have to choose the best Instagram influencer, you must follow these simple yet effective steps.
Analyze the audience.
The first thing to do is to find out what kind of audience your product or service will attract. For instance, if you are providing some services for travel, then it will be better to find a lifestyle blogger, or a travel influencer, instead of a fashion one. Similarly, if you are selling some skincare item, then a dermatologist or someone who is a skincare enthusiast will be better.
Studying your product, and conducting a survey about who would be needing your product will be enough to make you know what type of audience will you get.
The personality type
Every brand can be represented with a brand voice. For example, a sober woman who can be a housewife or a working woman will be a fit personality to talk about powder baby milk. Provided that she knows how to talk politely, in a concerned manner.
You cannot have an influencer who likes to party, and make fun videos to talk about the powder baby milk. Therefore, it is important that you must consider the personality type of the influencer to know if they are really the one your product or service needs. It has to be compatible; otherwise, people will not take it as a natural brand awareness campaign, they are likely to ignore such posts where they are unable to make any link between the personality of the influencer and the product. They believe it is fake and paid.
Choose someone who follows you
The best influencer will be the one who already follows your Instagram account. A certain level of awareness and familiarity with your products and brand is essential. Hiring someone who does not know anything about your services will need to start from scratch. On the other hand, someone following you will easily understand what you expect from them.
Moreover, they will know the history of your brand, and a slight idea about the target audience too. You will not have to explain anything to them. It will be a time-efficient activity for both of you.
The competitor’s followers
You must check on your competitor’s Instagram page; there you will find a lot of influencers who have already worked for them. Contacting them can be a great option as they would know what you expect from them because obviously, your competitor will be offering the same products or services.
Google them
Sometimes you might not be able to gather the necessary information about the short-listed influencers from their Instagram profiles. Then the only option left is to google them, and you can probably find something more about them, such as their qualification, and then the niche they have been working on. You can easily reach to the place they work, or their Facebook profile through google.
The tools
Using the right tools to give you an analysis of the trending hashtags, and the most engaged accounts is necessary. For a layman accessing the premium version of these software will be difficult, they might need to pay them, and still they will be unable to use the software. Thus for this step, you need to contact a social media marketing agency. The agency will help you identify the influencers who can work in your budget and give you the expected results, these are PR agencies.