MarkGo is billed as the ‘Number 1 Watermark Remover’ due to its speedy way of removing unwanted watermarks in images and videos.
In this article we’ll discuss how you can easily remove unwanted objects on your video and tips on how you can craft clean and professional-looking videos.

How to Remove Unwanted Objects From Video with MarkGo
MarkGo is a watermark remover that works quickly and intuitively- you only need a few minutes to get accustomed to how the software works, and after that you’ll be cleaning up images and videos easily and in no time at all.
MarkGo watermark remover works on both image and video content and offers several ways to remove them, namely matte filling, color filling and Gaussian blur. The app can also remove watermarks and objects in batches, making it an amazing tool to have.
Here’s a short guide on how to get started.
Step 1. Open iMyFone MarkGo and Choose the Right Option
After installing and launching the software, you can choose to remove watermark from video or remove image watermark. MarkGo will proceed to the upload video phase.
Step 2. Import the Video You Wish to Remove Watermark
Once remove video watermark is chosen, you’ll be taken to the import video phase where you can click the ‘Add Video’ button or drag and drop the video you wish to edit.
Step 3. Video Selection and Editing
The video will load, and you’ll be shown a timeline right below it. You can quickly cycle through the video to where the unwanted object is seen.
Video segmentation can also be done, as well as choosing a start and end time per section.
Step 4. Removing the Watermark
Once the watermark or object is on-screen, pick the ‘Selection Tool’, which makes a selection box appear.
From here, it’s just a matter of dragging the box and expanding it to fill the watermark or unwanted object. Click on Play for a preview, then when you’re satisfied export it and complete the process.
Tips About Removing Unwanted Objects on Video
Have the Video or Image Ready
You can remove watermark from a video faster if you have the video transferred to the device beforehand. This ensures that the process is smoother and more streamlined, and you can follow the steps to remove unwanted objects using MarkGo as outlined above.
Don’t Forget to Preview
The longer the video, the greater the chance of multiple watermarks. When using MarkGo you can tick the ‘Play’ button so you won’t have to go back and redo your work all over again.
As a side note, the timeline section will be your best friend. With it, you can scan through the video quickly and eliminate watermarks as needed.
Double Check Before Exporting
Once the video is clear of watermarks and objects you don’t want, you can finally export and use the edited video.
Before you delete the original video, check and see its filename- it could be the edited one, and you might have to start over again. To reduce the chances of this happening, you can export to a different folder or rename the edited video to something you can easily remember.
Watermarks shouldn’t get in the way of good video. If you find one in your favorite image or video, it’s best to utilize a proven software such as MarkGo. As an added bonus, MarkGo is easy to use, and unwanted object removal can be completed in just a few seconds. The same works for watermarked images and if you want to clean up a video or image before posting it online or saving it for later use.