Decades ago, games were designed to be played alone, with the user only illuminated by the glow of the monitor.
Then, network games happened, which gave rise to multiplayer. The release of MMORPG World of Warcraft shattered the belief that games are inherently single-player, and that a community can be built on virtual ground.

In the 2004 release, Blizzard, the game developers have closely nurtured its community to what it is today. Back then, it was a team that worked behind the scenes to ensure all players had something to do inside Azeroth. After a Wow carry from level 1 to max, what else was there to do?
Raid encounters was the answer. In 2005, just a year after vanilla WoW, the expansion entitled “The Burning Crusade” hit the shelves, and players had the chance to unite in the fight against Illidan Stormrage and his Burning Legion. The community was now growing, and with it stood notable figures including “Ghostcrawler” Greg Street, systems designer and WoW enthusiast.
It was Greg who wanted something more organic between the players and the creators, which led to the creation of the WoW avatar Ghostcrawler. He and fellow Community Managers roamed the virtual landscape and made sure that all of the player’s questions were answered. The move was unprecedented but welcomed with open arms by the WoW community. World of Warcraft carry services became widespread, and Crucible of Storms carry and CoS boosts bolstered further into the latest expansion.
Today, Blizzard is proud of the community they’ve built on multiple fronts such as Twitch, Reddit, YouTube and their official forums. Since debuting in 2004, World of Warcraft boost services are still being offered on the internet. This stands as a testament to the highly rated, award-winning and multi-million selling MMORPG and the developers who wanted to connect with their fanbase, audience and players.