As more and more people spend time on the internet to shop, connect with friends and to consume content, influencer marketing has become a game-changer for established brands and startups alike.
These days it’s not unusual to find a new app, tech product or service on social media such as Instagram, Twitter or YouTube.
Today we focus the spotlight on electronics and apps influencers, how they’re found and how they’re so effective in connecting with their audiences.
Scouting the Best Tech Influencers
Hiring the best influencer to promote a brand, product or app is not an easy process since there are thousands of them, and each one has his or her own specialty or niche.
This is especially true in the tech world, where its reach has touched just about every other industry, e.g., beauty products, clothing, etc.
Companies like Intellifluence have made forming a relationship between content creators and people who consume those products easier. Tech companies can peruse tools to help them find the right influencer instead of having to scour the web. From there, it’s up to the creator to promote the app or tech product within his or her community and reach those who need them.
The Relationship Between Content Creators and Their Audiences
Influencers are also called content creators since they’re responsible for connecting with their audiences in their own unique way.
The relationship medium may be on a specific platform, type of content or style, which then attracts the preferred demographic. An example would be posting on Instagram where influencers have millions of followers, on Twitch or an unboxing video on YouTube.
Brands along with good influencers have a number of ways to connect with their audiences:
Create Engaging Videos
Video stands as one of the best mediums to engage with people. Social media sites, search engines and content creation platforms all have this in common. For consumers, watching a video about how a tech gadget or app can fill in a need is a great way to pique their attention.
Influencers utilize videos to an effective degree, whether it’s making a tutorial, a demo or simply making a post about their daily lives. About 60 percent of audiences try an app or electronic goods advertised by their favorite creator.
Take Time to Communicate
Generally speaking, an influencer’s goal is to attract as many people as possible and turn them into followers. However, it’s not just the quantity that’s important but the quality as well.
Using witty posts, photos and videos an influencer aims to establish a communication channel with people who are interested in their niche. For example, a gamer will target those who love to play video games, and a DIY specialist will want to get followers who want to create their own furniture.
It’s not all static promotion, though. The best influencers will have established a personality and a communication style to make them stand out from the crowd.
Work With Other Influencers in Their Niche
Top influencers understand that a collaborative effort is a win-win for those involved. That said, they won’t shy away from working with fellow content creators in promoting a service, app or tech product.
Networking is also a vital part of influencer success. This can happen with a brand partnership, a co-creator collaboration or even bringing in a fellow influencer from a different niche.
With so many content creators that bring something unique to the table, tech brands, apps and the electronic sector will have to choose carefully in order to gain greater audience reach. A good solution is to hire an influencer using tools such as Intellifluence and have a higher chance of success in promoting a tech product or service.