In the age of digitalisation of many aspects of product and service provision, it is always necessary to stay up-to-date with technological innovations. This is required by the competition, which can quickly leave behind those who do not keep up with technology, but above all, it is required by the customer, who expects the highest quality of service and fast access to products. Telecommunications companies, however, may experience difficulties in implementing novelties fast enough. BSS services can help them by offering their support in entering this new era.
What is BSS in telecom sector?
BSS (business support systems) are new generation systems that allow the implementation of modern solutions based on the automation of activities and the creation of possibilities for the free management of offers. BSS in telecom allow for example faster business processes through the introduction of intuitive applications and systems to existing telecommunications services. They are used to increase business and workforce agility and provide network security.

Transparent Product Catalogues for customer satisfaction and modern business models
BSS tools allow the creation of fast and efficient Catalogues containing telecom products. Simple configuration of these services allows quick updating of information and product management. BSS technology also allows for intuitive management of offers and automation of calculation and charging transparently. And all this is just a few clicks.
Business Support Systems solutions for global brands and customers from all over the world
In the age of globalisation, customers want uniform access to their services and accounts. Multiple currencies and time zones have so far been a challenge for telecommunications companies. BSS services allow the implementation of different taxation and currency and can therefore be deployed in many countries. Automated BSS systems can convert currencies, taxes and rates independently and combine them into a single bill for the customer.
Globalisation at a high level – customer relationship management
Easy and fast contact with both customers and partners of telecommunications companies is essential for their successful operation and growth. Therefore, BSS solutions also offer auto-optimisation in the formulation of product offers based on the minimum amount of information required. This allows for a quick initial offer and flexibility in making changes to offers and catalogues. The offer can also be accepted in the system, which automatically creates an order for the customer or partner. Thanks to BSS services, all processes take place instantly, irrespective of time zones or currency differences. The services are available in one unified system which is accessible to all partners.