2003: “The Year of Digital Music”
At Macworld Expo in January of 2003, Steve Jobs launched the 12-inch…
How much does it cost to repair an out-of-warranty iPod?
Out-of-warranty repair pricing is $249.00 for replacement: labor, parts, and a 90-day…
What if I lose or break my Apple earphones, can I buy a replacement set?
Yes. Apple has an area on its website to order replacement accessories…
MWNY03: A look at iPod accessories
So, what’s there to tell here at Macworld? Lots and not much……
iPod Adventures in the Middle East: Part I
By T-Slice Well after about a week my ‘Big Boy’ 30GB iPod…
Switching from MP3 to AAC Without Losing Your Mind
If you’re anything like me, the minute you downloaded iTunes 4 and…
Will any MP3 player ever catch Apple’s iPod?
The announcement a few weeks ago of the first proper cross-platform iPod…
New iPod Reactions: Accessory Makers and an Author
We recently sent out an email to various accessory makers asking them…
Audio Formats Explained And Rated
The MP3 format is almost 2 decades old now. Dramatic improvements in…
Apple’s Warranty used to only be 90 days, but the new iPods have a warranty of one (1) year. Does my old iPod carry the new one (1) year warranty?
Yes. The move to one year warranties was retroactive. To confirm that…
First Looks: iTrip, iPod Armor & FlipStand
iLounger, “cudaboy_71” graciously volunteered his time while at Macworld SF to report…
Interview with Jesse Feiler
iLounge recently had the opportunity to interview Jesse Feiler, the author of…
Interview with Jim Heid
iLounge recently had the opportunity to interview Jim Heid, the author of…
What’s New in iPod Software 1.2
The introduction of iPod Software 1.2 Updater brought many iPod fans a…