Audio Formats Explained And Rated
The MP3 format is almost 2 decades old now. Dramatic improvements in…
Apple’s Warranty used to only be 90 days, but the new iPods have a warranty of one (1) year. Does my old iPod carry the new one (1) year warranty?
Yes. The move to one year warranties was retroactive. To confirm that…
First Looks: iTrip, iPod Armor & FlipStand
iLounger, “cudaboy_71” graciously volunteered his time while at Macworld SF to report…
Interview with Jesse Feiler
iLounge recently had the opportunity to interview Jesse Feiler, the author of…
Interview with Jim Heid
iLounge recently had the opportunity to interview Jim Heid, the author of…
What’s New in iPod Software 1.2
The introduction of iPod Software 1.2 Updater brought many iPod fans a…
iPod 20GB Mac
On Friday, July 26, Los Angeles got its own two-story flagship Apple…
iPods for Windows: It’s a good thing?
I was probably one of the most opposed for iPods for Windows.…
TAPs and Obsolete iPods
With the recent introduction of new iPods at MacWorld on July 17th,…
It’s an iPod World at Macworld
New iPods for everyone. Macworld NY has proved to be an exciting…
Interview with Christopher Breen
iLounge recently had the opportunity to interview Christopher Breen, the author of…
iPod Undercover: Part II
The names of the participants have been changed to protect the guilty.…
Experiment: iPod Video Capture?
Besides software to play 1000 (or 2000) MP3 tracks, and hold vCard…
Undercover iPod: Part I
Undercover at CompUSA: Sneaky bastards us Mac users are. The names of…
An iPod Experience: Part 1
Ever since the introduction of the “revolutionary” iPod, I’ve wanted to be…