Managing your money on the go is not just a convenience these days, it’s somewhat expected of you in many circumstances. If you’re not prepared to handle your money in this manner, you’re going to face a lot of trouble in today’s society, and it will get even more difficult for you to do even some simple things in the not too distant future. That said, as long as you have a smartphone in your pocket, you already have all you need to get a good overview of your money, and to ensure that everything is under control at all times. You just need to know what apps to use, and the rest comes down to being persistent enough in actually using them.
Mint has been a popular choice for a long time, and the app continues to enjoy a lot of attention from many sides. When it comes to all-around money management, there’s hardly a better option on the market right now. And the best part is that the app is completely free! If you live in the US, you can also benefit from simplified account integration, and easily connect it to your accounts in various financial institutions. Mint is a great choice for those who just want to keep an eye on their money in a simple manner, and it’s a good option if you’re just getting started with keeping track of your finances.
You Need a Budget
Another popular option, YNAB is aimed in a slightly different direction. The app is meant to simplify things for people who want to make the most of their money, especially those who’re struggling to organize their finances on a level better than living on a paycheck-to-paycheck basis. If you feel like you have a problem like this, then YNAB is easily one of the best solutions on the market. It can take a while to get used to budgeting in the style of this app, but once you’ve integrated it into your life, you will find it very easy to just keep adding your transactions to it, and to use it on a regular basis.
Struggling to keep up with al those bills? Sometimes having the money is not the problem, but remembering when you need to pay for what. Prism can come in handy in this case, allowing you to see everything you have running on a monthly (or other) basis at a glance. You can easily figure out exactly what your money is going towards with the help of the app, and you’ll never have to deal with any missed payments ever again. And the best part is, it’s very customizable and it’s not hard at all to adjust it to your own current preferences. All you have to do is use it for a while.
Personal Capital
For those who need something more advanced, Personal Capital can be a great solution that can allow you to keep track of more complex payments and accounts, such as investment plans. This is not for everyone obviously, and some people are going to see no benefit in an app like this. That said, Personal Capital can work very well for those who know what they’re doing and realize the need for it. It can take a while to get used to how it works, but once you have the ball rolling, it can be a very smooth and streamlined experience. Definitely not something you want to miss out on.
Clarity Money
Another good all-around app, Clarity Money is a fantastic budgeting tool with many extra features that can make you consider it. It’s not difficult to get used to the way it works, even though it’s a bit unusual in some regards. And once you’re on the right track, you’ll quickly discover that Clarity Money has a very unique approach to budgeting, and there’s a good reason for the popularity of the app on the market right now. It’s one of those apps that aren’t for everyone due to the unique way it works, but if you’re among the people who can benefit from it, you’re definitely going to see a lot of great use out of it. Just make sure to give it a chance at first instead of giving up on it in frustration if you can’t figure out the interface initially.
Goodbudget is another app in the style of YNAB, in the sense that it’s aimed at allowing you to organize your budget better, and do more with your money. It can go a long way in this regard, and Goodbudget is one of the more unique tools on the market right now. The most difficult part of using the app is sticking to its guidance – it can be easy to fall off the wagon and assume that the app’s method is flawed. In reality, the problem usually lies in the way you’re using the app.
Microsoft Excel
Last but not least, it’s hard to make a list of budgeting apps without giving Excel an honorary mention. Sure, it might not have a shiny interface optimized for budgeting like some other apps on the market do, but it has something better: true freedom. If you understand how Excel works and use its features properly, this is the only budgeting app you will ever need. It will take a while to set things up at first, but once you have it running properly, there’s no turning back. But of course, this is more for technically-minded people who are willing to invest some time in their budgeting.
There is so much choice on the market right now that it doesn’t make sense to be stuck in a situation where you don’t have control of your money. Don’t limit yourself to the apps in this list because you can you can also find niche finance apps for things such as managing your grocery spending better, or your monthly insurance bills. If you still aren’t budgeting properly, it’s important to get started as soon as possible, because the impact on your finances in the long run is not to be underestimated, and it’s something that will stack up over the long run.