Have you ever enjoyed the fun of a long drive?
In my teenage times, I did just that, drove sports motorcycles and cars through canyons, and went on long road-trips just for the hell of it.

In these modern times, the time and fuel costs constraints, road traffics, and all those driving rules take all that fun out of it.
Sooner or later, we, real drivers might possibly be a subject put to rest, rather we’ll all be needed to be driven almost everywhere or flown pretty much everywhere (in flying vehicles) by automatic systems, in an autonomous vehicle.
We may possibly not own any car whatsoever; rather, we’ll summons a car whenever we need to travel. Let us talk because there’re people busy planning this future these days.
The fact is, The International Transport Discussion board at the OECD published an intriguing study paper just lately named; “Urban Mobility System Upgrade – How self-driving vehicles could change town traffic,” and this research expected that a fully built-in autonomous transport system in a large city would eradicate the requirement for 80% of the on-street car parking, and move every person around with just 10% of the vehicles. At the same time, passengers would go miles but do it successfully, and day-to-day job commutes would be trouble-free and little in case no traffic in and out of big metropolitan areas.
Needless to say, the research also says that since things change in the meantime, there’ll be problems, and such ideal performance wouldn’t be a lot better than without autonomous traveling.
On the other hand, once fully built-in, the huge benefits would be like 24 hours a day.
We can see some of the problems, for example, a recent car accident between an autonomous vehicle and another car driven by a man in the state of Nevada which turned out the car with the man driver was at fault.
As Artificial intelligence gets significantly better, our autonomous vehicles will certainly be less dangerous, and people would require them to keep the 20+ thousand deaths from cars each year in the United States.
Not surprisingly, abandoning the cars, especially for diehard drivers who truly love their driving and cars, will certainly be a tough decision.
Quite a few people would happily give up control to any robotic car and free up their time to save on stress and play on their tech devices.
Think about the mayhem between drivers and those, at least in the beginning, rich autonomous vehicle owners or the Uber with fleets would ready to pick you up and take you everywhere you can afford to go?
Make sure you think about all this.
The Commercial Value for Self-Driving Cars – Endless, Think USPS First
Want to enter in a new modern age of autonomous cars, well I cannot imagine the right use than United States Postal Vehicles with automated delivery, can you?
Imagine if you’ll see the expanding budget gap, now actually in millions of dollars that the United States Post Office runs into, and a good slice of that is actually pension and the labor funds from previous retired employees.
Alright so now you should think about saving money with the new autonomous car tech.
An autonomous vehicle wouldn’t be in any hurry, it would have its primary concern as safety, with no supervisor yelling at it to get the route done each day without any overtime on the clock.
Without pushing the foot to the floor on the accelerator between each mailbox, it would sip the fuel as it slowly went about its tasks.
Interestingly enough, there was another interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on April 26, 2012; “Google Seeks Partners for Its Autos,” by Joseph B. White. Google has contacted all of the auto companies to license or sale, or partner with them for all the systems and technology on their famous autonomous car, and they are even contacting insurance companies, and once all that is done, you can bet that there will be endless applications, and entrepreneurs as companies look to leverage this technology to save money and become more efficient.
Now then, back to my comments on Google Partnering with the USPS to deliver the mail via autonomous vehicles, well, these self-driving cars and this technology is absolutely a perfect match for the mail delivery application.
Consider if you will the world of hurt our United States Postal Service is in today, as fewer pieces of mail are being sent, and each time they raise the price of stamps to cover it, more people and companies find other ways to deliver their letters, invoices, Christmas cards, etc.
In Government Executive Online News (April 25, 2012) Amanda Palleschi wrote an article “Senate passes U.S. Postal Service overhaul,” which told of the challenges the USPS has and still faces even with this latest round of bailout monies.
Eliminating through attrition perhaps, human drivers of postal vehicles, and allowing electronic delivery on the same route, to the same houses, at the same time, every day, I mean it’s as if self-driving cars were invented for this reason alone. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it, and I hope to see self-driving autonomous vehicles soon delivering our mail.
On MIT’s Technology Review Blog, there was an interesting article posted on April 23, 2012, titled; “Will Automated Cars Save Fuel? Car owners who wish to use less fuel should think about not driving in any way by letting their cars car take over,” by Kevin Bullis.
In fact, I did not even read that post before I found myself nodding my head, simply over the post title; you can see; indeed, he is right!
And you know what; just the other day I was on the patio out front, and I heard the US mail LLV (long life vehicle) and postal worker drive up, stop, open and shut the mailbox, put her foot on the gas and speed to the next mailbox, lickity split.