When we design a network, we design it for security, efficiency, and redundancy. Maybe you didn’t know that many of the elements that are part of an advanced network project can remain the same for a long time, while some parts need constant maintenance and updating to always guarantee high levels of security. This is why one of the most important aspects to consider when it comes to network security is undoubtedly preventive maintenance. In this article, we suggest 11 things to consider before realizing advanced network security in order not to jeopardize the security of your corporate network.
- Good anti-virus and anti-malware
- Make the updates
- Study procedures and policies
- Filter emails and sites
- Back up
- Use the Firewall
- Do a security scan
- Do auditing
- Control of procedures and policies
- Systems Control
- Network control
- Detect intrusions and prevent them
- Proceed with the aggregation and analysis of the logs
- Create documentation
1. A Good Anti Virus And Anti Malware
Any company that has even one PC connected to the internet needs some kind of protection against viruses and malware. There are often free versions of anti-virus that can work well. Even a simple antivirus program can block most threats. The anti-virus must be installed on every device and constant monitoring must be carried out so that it can be effective. But the good news is that you can minimize your risk as an organization by using Spin Technology which is a SaaS data protection platform for all your SaaS Apps.
2. Make The Updates
It is important to keep the operating system and firmware up to date. The only exception can be when the update causes hardware or software malfunctions. The update should be performed by dedicated network maintenance personnel to ensure that the work is performed in a compliant manner and does not impact the performance of the network.
3. Study Procedures And Policies
All companies should have written guidelines for using the network. A policy should include information on permitted actions, including which sites anyone using the network can visit and which sites cannot. The procedures in the event of an accident (loss of data, external intrusions, viruses …) and rules for access in case of external guests should then be explained.
These documents serve primarily as a security cover for each employee and as a brake on improper and potentially risky behavior for the company network, such as downloading illegal material or visiting sites of dubious morality.
4. Filter Emails And Sites
Using software to scan computers for malware is important. But some systems can block malicious software before it infiltrates the PC. Email scanning and website filters are part of those behaviors necessary to guarantee network security: in this way monitor, in real-time, the attachments of incoming emails, messages, and sites that may contain malicious software hidden in the code. Likewise, network administrators can set up web filters that only block certain sites such as online gambling sites.
5. Back-Up
It is important to back up all information, including device configuration and firmware versions. But while this ensures data recovery in the event of loss, it also makes important sensitive data available to anyone. So, yes to back up but it is always protected and encrypted on a secure system that limits access.
6. Use The Firewall
Firewalls are an important part of the initial design of a network. They need regular maintenance to ensure optimal operation. This will allow you to remove old out-of-date rules and old users and configurations.
7. Do A Security Scan
This is exactly what a hacker does before an attack. Scanning the network reveals security issues and interesting information for the network administrator. The scan sends a request to the servers through every possible path. When a server replies, it is possible to know which service has responded, which version, and for how long. If I send a request to port 80 and get a response, it is likely a web server. If I then go a little deeper I can know if it is a Microsoft or Linux server, I can also identify the version and, once I have this information, I know what the vulnerabilities are and consequently, attack.
8. Do Auditing
Designing a safe environment from the start is a big step in safety. But as we all know, it sometimes happens that the initial conditions change. It is a good idea to schedule an annual overhaul to ensure the safety of the whole environment it needs. This process improves the awareness of administrators and engineers about the present situation.
The Control Can Be Divided Into Three Categories.
- 1. Control Of Procedures And Policies
Policies are not subject to frequent changes. But the adoption of new technologies in the company may make it necessary to add new rules. Reviewing existing guidelines ensures they remain consistent and aligned with the environmental safety landscape.
- Systems Control
System control usually focuses on servers and their configurations. It includes every domain service such as Active Directory and the accounts of former employees who no longer need to have access to corporate resources. The old hardware needs to be replaced and the old operating systems dismantled and updated.
- Network Control
It focuses on each device that is part of the network and its settings. Making sure the firmware is up to date is as important as doing Windows updates. An annual or semi-annual check of the firewall rules is recommended. Having a document that contains all the rules is certainly a valid help to speed up the entire control process.
9. Detect Intrusions And Prevent Them
Intrusion prevention and detection systems are used to control traffic at every communication level. If, until recently, only large companies adopted these prevention and detection systems, now it is of utmost importance that small and medium-sized enterprises also use them and implement them in their network.
10. Proceed With The Aggregation And Analysis Of The Logs
Logs are used to check the status of a server. If there is a problem, there is also an error line printed somewhere in the system logs. Aggregating logs from different servers has always been a major need for organizations of any size. This is for two main reasons:
- Having the logs aggregated together means being able to consult them from a single location
- Security incidents can be answered and reconstructed
Depending on the budget available, different solutions can be found that provide for the aggregation and analysis of the logs. The most performing and rich in options can intelligently group events and thus have a timeline for a specific event.
11. Create Documentation
It’s not exactly a security measure but being able to access important information in time is. Good documentation includes the network diagram, hardware vendor contact information, and any rules that impact the flow of the network. Having network documentation streamlines and speeds up troubleshooting and recovery processes.
Networks, like machines, need regular maintenance to keep performance at its peak. If this is not done, the network will sooner or later become more vulnerable causing security problems and creating stops and losses of data and resources in the work processes.