It’s hard to imagine a modern student without electronic devices. Books, libraries are in the past. Today, thanks to technology and gadgets, it is easier and more efficient to work on coursework, store lectures and notes.
In this review, the most necessary devices for students are:

Convenient laptop
Do you remember how students used to walk around with a thick bag filled with textbooks and notebooks? Today, there is no need for this because you can read everything, write down notes, find necessary information, and prepare a laboratory report or essay using technology. A student needs a small, light, powerful laptop with a good battery.
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It is simply necessary to be always online today. A student without a phone with Internet access is like having no hands. With it, you can find out the schedule and traffic patterns of public transport so as not to be late for lectures, see the current schedule of classes, and take photographs of notes from missed classes. And this is not the entire list of functions of such an important gadget.
Laptop, tablet, or smartphone?
Which of these is most convenient to work with? It’s different for everyone. A tablet is much lighter, takes up less space in your bag, and if you need it every day for notes, then it is more convenient to take it with you to classes, to the library, or to a coworking space.
It is easier to type text on a laptop; this equipment is more suitable for working in several programs at the same time, for design, so it is more often used by students of technical universities, those involved in development and design. However, for the latter, they often buy a graphics tablet as an addition.
It’s worth paying attention to the “transformable” class laptop models, the ones where you can turn the lid and the computer turns into a tablet or console. They are convenient for typing text, reading, showing presentations, and watching videos.
As for a smartphone, it is best to select the brand and model to suit your needs. If you only need a phone for correspondence in instant messengers, social networks, the Internet, and calls, an inexpensive device will do. If you need a smartphone as a computer, you should consider more expensive options with a more powerful processor, more memory, and a high-resolution camera.
Wireless noise-canceling headphones
Whoever lived in a dormitory during their student years knows how fun and noisy life is there. Sometimes, you have to prepare for upcoming classes while your neighbors are having fun. Sometimes, you want to go to bed, and it is important that no one interferes. On the way to the university, you can listen to an online lesson, an audiobook, or just your favorite music. In general, headphones are needed, but they must be good ones.
They are needed not only for listening to music and watching videos in public places but also for creating a comfortable environment. Noise-canceling headphones of high quality will isolate any extraneous sound. They will also allow you to answer calls and control your music player.
External drive
Flash drives are convenient to use to load presentations or any other documents onto the device. Large amounts of information (projects, videos) must be stored and always carried with you. But even if not always, then a hard drive is needed to protect coursework and demonstrate important assignments. The disk should be small, light, and have a high copy speed.
Portable charger
What are all the listed gadgets for if any of them suddenly run out of battery? So many devices need constant charging. An outlet may not always be at hand. An external battery is an indispensable attribute in a student’s life. Their selection is huge. Pay attention to the battery capacity, the ability to simultaneously charge several devices, weight, and size.
A power bank is perhaps the only salvation when there is no outlet nearby, and charging is close to zero. A portable charger will be useful for a smartphone, e-reader, or tablet, and the most powerful ones will even recharge a laptop.
External batteries vary in capacity, size, and other characteristics. There are power banks for one and multiple charges for one or several devices, with removable and non-removable cables, smaller in size and larger than a smartphone.
The voice recorder application will be useful not only during lectures but also during independent work with educational material and on excursions. If you don’t want to rewrite your notes by ear later, you can convert the audio file and translate it into text using a special program; they are easy to find on the Internet.
Electronic books, depending on the memory capacity, can accommodate thousands of texts. There are also models with additional MP3 playback functions and a built-in camera that can be used as a mobile scanner.
Smart watches and bracelets
Smartwatches are useful not only for fitness enthusiasts but also for notifying you about messages and incoming calls. They have a pedometer, heart rate monitor, alarm clock, and individual training programs.
Thermal mug
This device stands out among other devices. You can’t use it to send a message, watch a video, or read, but it can be useful at any time of the year and in any place. In a thermal mug, coffee, tea, or broth can remain hot for up to 5–7 hours. There are models in which you can keep liquids cold for just as long so that they do not lose their taste. On the street, at home, in transport, in nature – this thing will be useful both as a warming mug in winter and as a source of a cool drink in summer.
With these gadgets, your studying will become more pleasant and easier. Choose those that you need the most, considering your activities.