The first iPod shuffle was released in January, 2005 with two different storage capacities (512MB/1GB). After several price drops and widespread speculation that Apple would discontinue the shuffle entirely in favor of the iPod nano, the company announced a physically smaller, 1GB version in September, 2006, releasing the “second-generation iPod shuffle” in November. The new shuffle included an integrated rear clip, and was made substantially from aluminum, unlike its all-plastic predecessor. It continues to be Apple’s least expensive iPod-branded offering. On January 30, 2007, Apple updated the second-generation shuffle with four new colors – pink, blue, green, and orange – the first three matching the colors of previously-released iPod nanos, the fourth entirely new to the iPod family.

Second-Generation iPod shuffle (1GB)
iPod shuffle (Second-Generation, 1GB) Review (iLounge rating: B+): Smaller than any prior iPod, the new iPod shuffle is a pretty good option for especially budget- and size-conscious users; our comprehensive review looks at all of its pros and cons.
iPod shuffle 2G Photo Gallery: Check out our incredible iPod shuffle 2G photo gallery, including full shots of the box opening process, close-ups of the various components, and comparisons against other iPods.
iPod shuffle 2G Colors Photo Gallery: Our new iPod shuffle 2G Colors gallery shows off unpacking photos of the early 2007 iPod shuffle, in five colors: silver, green, pink, blue, and all-new orange.
Picking the Right iPod for You: Download iLounge’s incredible free 2007 iPod Buyers’ Guide for a complete guide to picking the best iPod for your personal needs and budget.
It’s Showtime: The Photo Gallery: See photos of the September 12, 2006 event where the second-generation iPod shuffle was unveiled to the world.
Check our Reviews section for the an up-to-date list of iPod shuffle cases and accessories reviewed. Notable options include Power Support’s highly protective Silicone Jacket, Griffin Technology’s Dock Adapter for iPod shuffle, and Incipio’s portable IncipioBud USB charger.
First-Generation iPod shuffle (512MB/1GB)
iPod shuffle Photo Gallery: Check out our incredible iPod shuffle photo gallery, including full shots of the box opening process, close-ups of the various components, and comparisons against other iPods.
iPod shuffle New Users’ Review (iLounge rating: A-): See why the iPod shuffle is an excellent way for budget-conscious new users to join the iPod family.
iPod shuffle Power Users’ Review (iLounge rating: B): Learn why users with greater demands may prefer other, more expensive iPods to the iPod shuffle, and get more details on the shuffle’s early marketing and third-party accessories.
Picking the Right iPod for You: Download iLounge’s incredible free 2005 Buyers’ Guide for a complete guide to picking the best iPod for your personal needs and budget.