Q: I’ve lost a critical piece of hardware that came with my third-generation iPod. It is a small adapter for connecting the iPod cable to a laptop. I can’t find any information about it anywhere on the Apple or iLounge websites.
It is a white plastic piece about 1/2” x 1 1/2” and has a standard iPod jack on one end and a smaller jack on the other. Beyond that, I’m not sure how to articulate what I need. Can you help me find a replacement?
– Sarah
A: Absolutely.
What you’re looking for is a “6-Pin Female to 4-Pin Male Firewire (or IEEE1394) Adapter.” While Apple doesn’t sell or replace this component anymore, Nyko sells a replacement part, which we’ve mentioned in a review on the site in our Adapters/Cables section. Other generic but functionally equivalent versions can be found for very low prices at many electronics retailers online. Here are a few low-cost options found using Froogle.com (iLounge does not endorse any of these retailers specifically… shop around!).