Q: For TV Show content purchased via iTunes Season Pass, how do I prevent new episodes from downloading automatically to my computer’s iTunes Library? Between the Apple TV and iCloud integration in iTunes 11, I almost never watch purchased shows via my computer any more.
– Anonymous
A: Movies and TV shows purchased directly on an Apple TV or iOS device will not automatically download to your iTunes library; however the behaviour when purchasing a Season Pass can be a bit more odd in this regard, as any episodes that already exist in the season pass are not downloaded, but future episodes do end up queueing up in iTunes as they become available.
The easiest way to prevent these from being automatically downloaded is to disable the option in iTunes to Download pre-orders when available, which can be found in the Store section of your iTunes preferences.
Note, however, that in some cases using the Check for Available Downloads option on the Store menu in iTunes may result in these items being downloaded.