Q: I am not able to update apps on my iPhone or iPad that were purchased under my former Rogers e-mail address which is no longer valid since moving to an area not serviced by Rogers. I can sign in with the old address but since it is no longer valid, the apps store responds with a message “unable to connect.” I get the same error message when using my new email address as the update file is looking for the same address as the app was purchased under. This is even for free apps. Does anyone know how to get around this problem or how to get the app store to recognize that a user has a new email address.
– Bob
A: Whether or not your e-mail address is active should have no bearing on your ability to access the iTunes Store with a given account as long as you actually know the Apple ID and password for the account. In fact, even if you chose to use your e-mail address as your Apple ID for the iTunes Store, this login name is not actually tied to your Rogers e-mail address, but is simply an ID. Your user account will contain your e-mail address, but this is stored separately from the Apple ID that you actually use to log in to the iTunes Store. You can update your e-mail address in your user account by going to your iTunes Store account, either via iTunes or by visiting http://myinfo.apple.com and signing in with your Apple ID and password.
It is a good idea to update the e-mail address in your account to ensure that you are using a current and valid e-mail address as this is where your iTunes Store receipts are sent and where password reset instructions will be sent if you ever forgot your password or need other assistance with your account.
The problem you’re having connecting to the iTunes Store is not related to the validity of your e-mail address, however, and is more likely some other network problem. Check to ensure that you don’t have any firewall software running on your computer or your home router that might be causing problems accessing the Internet. Certain types of anti-spyware or anti-malware software can also interfere with iTunes’ ability to connect to the iTunes Store.