Q: There used to be a section that you could browse radio stations by city and see their playlists. Is this still around and just I can’t find it, or is it gone?
– Anonymous
A: This and several other music-related options (most notably, a list of Genres) have disappeared from the iTunes Store’s front page with its recent addition of full-length movies, but rest assured, it’s not gone.
To access it, you simply need to first enter the “Music” store using the link in the top-left box on the main page. Then, “Radio Charts” will be in the “More in Music” box in the left-hand column.
Alternatively, you can use the “Browse” button in the bottom right corner of iTunes (the eye icon) to jump straight to the store’s comprehensive content listing, which includes “Radio Charts” as the second option:
Or, bookmark this link in your browser to go to radio charts directly.