Q: I have about 6000 songs in iTunes, and I have removed all album names in each song file ID tag, as I am simply not interested in capturing that information. Since I don’t need to see them, I’d like to remove all references to “Album” in iTunes and on my iPod. Can this be done?
– Gary
A: Sure – you’ll be able to do this in at least some capacity.
To remove “Album” from the iTunes’ main library listing, simply right-click (Mac: control-click) on any data column header (i.e. Album, Track, etc.) in the main iTunes window, and deselect “Album.” To remove “Albums” (or nearly any other menu item) from the iPod’s menu interface, simply navigate to “Settings—> Main Menu,” and toggle the “Albums” line item to “Off” by pressing the center button. As you’d expect, however, you’re not going to be able to get rid of references to the Album field everywhere.
The field will still appear in the “Get Info” window, iTunes’ “Browse” function, and smart playlist options, but at least it won’t be jumping out at you anymore.