Q: Is there a way to sync apps from two different iTunes accounts onto the same device? For example, my mother and I both have iPhones but have different iTunes accounts, is there a way for us to share the same apps on both of our devices? Thanks.
– Alejandro
A: You can load content from up to five different iTunes Store accounts on a single iPhone, but the catch is that the content has to be loaded onto the iPhone from a single computer, and that computer has to be authorized for each of the accounts in iTunes.
What you would need to do in your case is to first authorize each computer for the other user’s iTunes Store account by choosing Authorize Computer from the Store menu in iTunes and entering the username and password for the other account.
You can then simply copy the apps from the other computer and import them into your iTunes library as you would for any other media file: by dragging them into iTunes, double-clicking on them, or using File, Add to Library on the iTunes menu.
Once these apps are in your iTunes library and you’ve authorized it for the account that was originally used to purchase them, they will sync to your iPhone in the same way as any apps that you’ve purchased yourself.