Q: When listening to a song on my 5G iPod, a speaker symbol appears next to the song title within the list of songs in the Album’s folder. However, if I enter the list of songs for the same artist through the “All Songs” menu shortcut, the speaker symbol does not appear next to the song that is still playing.
Why is that? Is this a problem with my specific iPod’s hardware or is it a general hardware issue?
– Peter
A: Your iPod is working as designed – you needn’t worry. In fact, you’ll notice that iTunes behaves the same way: when a song is playing from within a playlist, the speaker icon only appears next to it in that specific playlist… not in the Library or any other playlist.
The reason for this? It’s a visual cue for not only what song is playing, but also where. This way, you have a better idea of what’s coming next, or at least what pool of songs you’re shuffling from.