Q: I recently bought a game from the iTunes Store to put on my 80 GB iPod classic. However, it does not show up on my Purchased item list, and although it does show up on the Games listing in iTunes, it does not download or appear on the iPod itself. I can see the game on my hard drive, but I don’t know how to get it to transfer to the iPod.
Thanks for any help you can give me!
– Jody
A: Games purchased from the iTunes Store do not normally appear in the “Purchased” list in iTunes—rather they go directly to the “Games” listing and will only appear in that location.
To transfer games to the iPod itself, you must ensure that you have enabled synchronization of Games in your iPod settings in iTunes, and selected which games you would like to have transferred to the iPod. You can find this setting by connecting your iPod to your computer, and then selecting it from the source list on the left-hand side of the iTunes window.
In the main iTunes window, you will see a Summary of your iPod setting, and several tabs across the top of the screen. Select the “Games” tab, and you should see the settings for choosing whether or not to synchronize games to your iPod, and which ones you would like to synchronize:
Either select to synchronize all games, or choose selected games and place a checkmark beside the game you wish to transfer. Click the “Apply” button, and iTunes will sync the game to your iPod.