Q: Can I manually manage my games so I can have one game from one computer and another from another computer?
– Sean
A: Unfortunately, iPod Games are one type of content that is always managed automatically. This means that you will normally only be able to synchronize games onto your iPod from a single iTunes library.
Note that the “Transfer Purchases” option in iTunes does transfer Games games back to another authorized computer, however.
This method can be used to consolidate your iPod Games onto a single computer which you could then automatically synchronize them all from.
To use the “Transfer Purchases” option, simply connect your iPod to your computer, select the iPod in the source list on the left-hand side, and choose File, Transfer Purchases from iPod:
iTunes will scan through your iPod, and any purchased content that is authorized to be played on the current iTunes computer will be transferred back, including any songs, audiobooks, movies, TV shows, and iPod Games.
Note that your computer must be authorized for the account that was originally used to purchase that particular content, or iTunes will not transfer it back.
If you are using different iTunes accounts on different computers, you can simply ensure that your “main” computer is authorized for both by choosing Store, Authorize Computer and entering your iTunes Store credentials when prompted.
Keep in mind also that “Transfer Purchases” will bring back everything that is authorized to play on a given computer. If you have a lot of purchased content on your iPod, you will want to ensure that you have sufficient disk space for this.