Q: I have all the contact info from my old BlackBerry Curve on my computer in Outlook Express and I want to transfer it to my new iPhone contacts list. What’s the easiest way to do this?
– Bill
A: If you’re using iTunes on your Windows computer, then this can easily transfer your contacts from the Outlook Express Windows Address Book to your iPhone. Simply connect your iPhone to your computer, open iTunes, and select your iPhone in the Devices list on the left-hand side of the iTunes window.
On the “Info” tab, you will see settings for synchronizing information such as contacts, calendars, bookmarks and e-mail accounts.
To synchronize your contacts from your computer, simply choose “Windows Address Book” as the data source and click the “Apply” button in the lower-right corner of the iTunes window.
Note that if you already have contacts stored on your iPhone, during the first sync iTunes will ask you whether you want to replace the contacts on your iPhone with those from your computer or whether you want to merge the contacts together.
Selecting merge will add the contacts from your iPhone to Outlook Express, and the contacts from Outlook Express to your iPhone.
Once this is setup, your contacts will continue to sync in both directions between your iPhone and Outlook Express address book each time you sync your iPhone with iTunes.