Having to keep track of your finances isn’t fun, but everybody has to do it, so you might as well use tools that make the process as painless as possible. That’s why we’re looking forward to SilverWiz’s upcoming MoneyWiz ($25) in the Mac App Store. Based on—and compatible with—its iPad and iPhone versions of the app, this is no simple port.
It’s a souped-up version designed to take advantage of the Mac.
Like its handheld predecessors, MoneyWiz allows users to keep track of various accounts, budgets, and bills all in an easy to use and well-designed interface. The Mac version adds several new features to the mix, including a new “expert” account view, bulk editing of entires, a very nice transaction entry mode, and more.
Best of all, all three versions cloud sync so that you always know what’s up with your money. SilverWiz promises a special deal to coincide with the April launch.