Seemingly confirming previously released but underexposed and fuzzy images, newly leaked photos from show that an A6 processor is visible on the iPhone 5’s logic board, along with Hynix flash memory and a Qualcomm MDM9615M LTE modem. Notably, the MDM9615 was announced in February 2011, promising to “support LTE (FDD and TDD), DC-HSPA+, EV-DO Rev-B and TD-SCDMA” standards, using a 28nm process and new technologies to reduce the chip’s interference, power consumption, and physical footprint, with optional support for on-board Wi-Fi hotspot creation.
The specifications for the A6 processor are likely to be revealed later today at Apple’s media event in San Francisco. Although rumors have suggested that the iPhone 5 may pack a quad-core processor, or follow the third-generation iPad’s A5X in coupling a dual-core CPU with a quad-core graphics processor, keeping power consumption low will be a major consideration in the new iPhone’s actual specifications.
[via 9to5Mac]