With over 2,200 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll—“Should iLounge bother to cover junky, half-baked accessories, like this one?” has ended. Readers were given choices including no, get rid of all junky accessories, no, except for the especially stupid/amusing ones, and yes, I want to know everything that’s out there, good or bad.
A large majority of readers—65%—said to get rid of the junky accessories, with 16% saying they’d like to see them disappear altogether, while nearly half (49%) said to get rid of them save for the especially stupid or amusing ones, which should be spotlighted solely for their stupidity or amusement factor.
35% of readers said to keep covering all accessories, for the sake of covering as many products as possible, both good and bad. Thanks for all your responses—as we continue to tweak our coverage moving forward, we will certainly take your opinions into account.
Our new poll focuses on iPhone and iPod touch stability.
We’d like to know which crashes more often—your iPhone/iPod touch, or your computer? Our latest poll, “Which crashes more often, your computer or your iPhone/iPod touch?” lets you answer that question. As always, you can find the iLounge Poll in the left-hand section of the main iLounge.com homepage. Cast your vote today!