After coming to the iPhone a few months back, popular Mac email client Airmail has released its first iOS version that works with the iPad, complete with support for iOS 9 multitasking features Split View and Slide Over. The update adds new features that work on the iPhone as well, including custom shortcuts and support for Touch ID.
In addition to the bigger improvements, the new version includes all kinds of smaller time-saving shortcuts, from new ways to star and archive emails to the ability to send read receipts.
The app already supported 3D Touch, but the update adds new gesture-based actions, with a two-finger swipe now moving to the next message and a two-finger long press expanding a message to full screen. Drawing is now supported within the app, a feature likely to be of particular interest to iPad Pro users with an Apple Pencil.
The app also plays well with others, with new integration for apps like Due, Parcel, Byword, Proud and Readdle’s Calendar 5, allowing users to further consolidate their schedule in one place. Airmail is available in the App Store for $5.