Apple has another drama series in the pipeline based on Gregory David Robert’s novel “Shantaram,” Variety reports. In what was described as a “competitive situation,” Apple has acquired the rights to the 2003 novel which tells the story of a man on the run from an Australian prison who finds a new life in the underworld of Bombay.
Apple is not the first to attempt to develop “Shantaram” into a film, with Johnny Depp having previously acquired the rights to the book and Warner Bros. developing it most recently.
The series will be produced by Anonymous Content and Paramount Television, which won the rights to the book after a bidding war in January, and also hold the rights to the sequel novel “The Mountain Shadow.” The series will be written and executive produced by Eric Warren Singer, known for “American Hustle,” “The International,” and “Only the Brave,”along with David Manson, Andrea Barron, Steve Golin, Nicole Clemens also serving as executive producers.