Apple has posted a notice on its iPhone 4 Case Program page confirming that the program will end on September 30, while leaving the door open for free Bumper giveaways to customers most affected/upset by their iPhone 4’s antenna problems. “We now know that the iPhone 4 antenna attenuation issue is even smaller than we originally thought,” says the message at the top of the dedicated Case Program page.
“A small percentage of iPhone 4 users need a case, and we want to continue providing them a Bumper case for free. For everyone else, we are discontinuing the free case program on all iPhone 4s sold after September 30, 2010.
We are also returning to our normal returns policy for all iPhone 4s sold after September 30. Users experiencing antenna issues should call AppleCare to request a free Bumper case.” Apple CEO Steve Jobs said during the company’s iPhone 4 antenna media event that the company would re-evaluate the Case Program as the proposed September 30 deadline approached.