Apple today debuted its fourth-generation iPod shuffle, bringing back physical buttons while retaining the VoiceOver feature of the third-generation model. The new model is smaller than its predecessor and more square in shape, with the company’s familiar ring of control buttons on the front, a dedicated VoiceOver button on the top, doing away with the need for an in-line button to activate the feature, and a clip on the back.
Genius capabilities have also been added to the device. The fourth-generation iPod shuffle will be available next week in five colors and will sell for $49, with 2GB of storage capacity.
The new iPod shuffle measures 1.14” by 1.24” by 0.34” including the rear clip, with a weight of 0.44 ounces. The top notably features a small dot next to the headphone port that looks like the microphone hole of an iPhone 4, though the device has not been described as microphone-capable in Apple’s materials.