With over 2,500 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll—“What’s your reaction to Apple’s Fall 2011 iPhone + iPod lineup?”—has ended. Readers were given options of saying they were or were not planning to purchase an iPhone or iPod, and whether or not the announcement had any affect on their decision.
While not a majority, a large number—38 percent—of readers said that they were planning to purchase an iPhone or iPod, and the announcement didn’t change their mind.
They were followed by two groups of readers, both of which constituted 23 percent of responses—those who were planning to buy a new iPhone but decided to hold off because of what was announced, and those who weren’t planning to buy an iPhone or iPod, and were not persuaded otherwise by Apple’s announcements. Both those who were planning to buy a new iPod but are now holding off and those who weren’t planning to buy an iPhone but had their minds changed accounted for seven percent, while only one percent of readers said they weren’t planning to buy a new iPod, but would based on what was announced. Thanks for all your votes!
Our new poll focuses on iOS 5.0.1.
We’d like to know whether or not iOS 5.0.1 has fixed any issues you might have had with the prior release. Did it fix your battery life issues, AirPlay issues, or both? Or did it fail to fix your issues, or worse yet, make them worse? Or did you not have an issues to fix, or do you not own a device capable of running iOS 5.0.1? Our new poll—“Did the iOS 5.0.1 update fix anything for you?”—lets you answer that question. You can find the iLounge Poll in the left-hand column of the main iLounge.com homepage.