With over 3,000 responses from iLounge readers, our latest poll—“Which new Apple device did you get for the holidays?”—has ended. Readers were given a choice between the iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, fourth-generation iPod touch, sixth-generation iPod nano, iPod classic, fourth-generation iPod shuffle, Apple TV, accessories, or no Apple gear at all.
More than a quarter of respondents—26 percent—said they received a fourth-generation iPod touch over the holidays, a greater number than those who received no Apple gear at all (23 percent).
19 percent of readers said they received an iPad for the holidays, followed by 10 percent who received an iPhone 4, seven percent who received an Apple TV, and another seven percent who didn’t receive a device but did get accessories. Finally, only three percent of readers received a sixth-generation iPod nano, followed by two percent who received an iPhone 3GS, another two percent who received an iPod classic, and only one percent who received a fourth-generation iPod shuffle. Thanks for all your responses!
Our new poll focuses on the Verizon iPhone 4.
We’d like to know if you plan to buy one. Are you an existing Verizon customer who has been waiting patiently for the handset, an AT&T customer ready to jump ship, or a customer of some other carrer who plans to purchase an iPhone 4 from Verizon? Or are you an existing customer of Verizon, AT&T, or a different carrier who isn’t going to purchase a Verizon iPhone? Or do you live outside the United States, where you’ve likely had a choice of iPhone carriers for some time? Our new poll, “Are you going to buy a Verizon iPhone 4?” lets you answer that question. You can find the iLounge Poll in the left-hand column of the main iLounge.com homepage.