Apple is moving ahead with its plans to create a TV series adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy, Deadline reports. It was revealed earlier this year that Apple had acquired the rights for the Foundation trilogy to develop a “sprawling series” based on the books, and now Apple has placed a ten-episode straight-to-series order for the project, suggesting that it will in fact go into production soon.
The series, which will be simply titled “Foundation” and produced by Skydance Television, David S. Goyer and Josh Friedman, will chronicle the thousand year epic story of exiled humans scattered on planets across the galaxy, and may represent Apple’s most ambitious undertaking to date — Asimov’s legendary trilogy has become the basis for almost all modern sci-fi, and a great many writers and producers have tried — and failed — to fit the galaxy-sprawling saga into a feature film or even a series, so a successful series based on the venerated trilogy could become a cornerstone of Apple’s new streaming video service that could rival Game of Thrones.