An update posted to Tiny Code, a web site that has previously aided developers and users of unauthorized Jailbroken applications for the iPod touch and iPhone, suggests that Apple is reaching out to unofficial third-party developers in preparation for the upcoming official iPhone/iPod touch SDK. The posting reads: “We can’t say much, but we are working with Apple and with their SDK for the next firmware release and SDK applications and we shouldn’t be missed for long. We will no longer update our repo for legality reasons and you should see us soon on iTunes.” A separate update on the site’s sidebar says that the group is “now targeting fw [firmware] 1.1.4 Alpha 2,” implying that a firmware upgrade may accompany the SDK release.
[via Mac Rumors]
Updated: Tiny Code Developer Kelly has come forward to say that the previous post was a lie, and that Tiny Code was never in contact with Apple. In a forum posting, Kelly said, “It’s finally time I just come out and say it; I lied. Tiny-Code never had any relations with Apple, Inc.
or any other division of Apple. Never had the new firmware or any pre-SDK pack. Certainly never signed any NDA.”