Apple has released a new version of the iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK), the third beta version of the software package. The new release, which is available as a free download for registered iPhone developers from the iPhone Dev Center, is a 1.37GB download, and is listed as build 9M2158a, beta 3.
Earlier today, developers accepted into Apple’s paid iPhone Developer Program began reporting lock-ups following the expiration of the current beta firmware; it is unclear whether this new release includes an updated version of the beta firmware or other changes. We will update this story with any new information we discover.
Update: Following installation of the updated SDK, we have found it includes an updated build (48) of the iPhone Simulator application, which is running an updated version of the iPhone OS, version 2.0 (5A240d). Mac Rumors reports that this same build was seeded to paid developers as updated beta firmware, and contains a number of bug fixes and new features centered on Exchange support.