Apple today announced that it has sold the 100 millionth iPod. “The first iPod was sold five and a half years ago, in November 2001, and since then Apple has introduced more than 10 new iPod models, including five generations of iPod, two generations of iPod mini, two generations of iPod nano and two generations of iPod shuffle,” Apple said in its announcement of the milestone. “Along with iTunes and the iTunes online music store, the iPod has transformed how tens of millions of music lovers acquire, manage and listen to their music.” Apple has also updated its website with the graphic shown here, along with a message thanking music lovers everywhere.
Updated: Apple representatives this morning told iLounge that details about the 100 millionth iPod—the model and color of which are unknown—are yet to be disclosed by the company, though it appears to be in the company’s possession rather than on a store’s shelves awaiting sale. Long-time iPod watchers will recall that Apple announced in January, 2005 that it was keeping the commemoratively engraved 10 millionth iPod as a momento.
What’s next for the company? “We’ve been pretty aggressive in this space,” said Apple Vice President of Hardware Product Marketing Greg Joswiak, listing all of the iPod generations that have come before, without naming any new addition to the family.
Though iPhone is coming in June, Joswiak said that it—like Apple TV—is a separate business for the company, and not a replacement for the iPod.
In addition to the iPod’s sales velocity—reaching the 100 million sold mark faster than any music player in history—the company is marking the launch of over 4,000 accessories specifically designed for iPod, with more to come. One previously announced new category of iPod integration—iPod-to-airplane entertainment system connectivity—is coming “this year,” with additional details soon to follow.