New code that would apparently allow the second-generation Apple TV to support Bluetooth connections has been found in the device’s latest beta version of iOS 5. Citing a reader tip, 9 to 5 Mac reports that users will be able to activate the device’s built-in Bluetooth support via the Settings menu, after which a standard pairing menu will appear and let users connect devices using a provided passcode.
The code reprinted in the report indicates that the feature will offer support for Bluetooth keyboards. Notably, iFixit discovered a Broadcom BCM4329XKUBG 802.11n Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/FM chip inside the second-generation Apple TV that was the same one found in the first-generation iPad.
It is unclear what ramifications Bluetooth support might have for the set-top box outside of improved text entry via a Bluetooth keyboard, though Apple could allow the feature to be used for everything from improved remote controls to game controllers.