With over 2,200 votes from iLounge readers, our latest poll, “What should Apple do with the Apple TV?” has ended. Readers were given several choices, including release new hardware with free TV-to-iTunes recording functionality, officially allow apps to add more software features, release a game controller and support games, kill it in favor of a better iPod dock, or nothing – it’s great as-is.
The largest number of readers—39%—said Apple should officially allow apps on the device to add software features such as Hulu and Netflix streaming, followed by the release of new hardware with free TV-to-iTunes recording functionality with 31% of the vote.
Perhaps unsurprisingly given the product’s lackluster history, 19% of voters said Apple should kill the Apple TV and replace it with a better iPod dock, while only 6% of readers said Apple should release a gaming controller and support games. An even smaller number of voters—5%—said the product was great as-is. Thanks to everyone who voted!
With Hanukkah already here and Christmas just around the corner, our new poll focuses on holiday gifts.
We’d like to know which new iPod or iPhone you received over the holidays. Were you given an iPhone 3G, or an iPod touch, or perhaps a traditional iPod such as the iPod nano or iPod classic? Or maybe you received the diminutive iPod shuffle, or just accessories for your current player, or none at all? The latest iLounge poll, “Which new iPod or iPhone did you get for the holidays?” lets you answer that question. You can find the iLounge Poll in the left hand column of the main iLounge.com home page.