In a new interview, Vanity Fair talks to both Apple Senior Vice President of Industrial Design in Jony Ive and designer Marc Newson before their upcoming Sotheby’s (RED) auction, in which the designers have teamed with Bono to benefit The Global Fund. The two discuss design, and Ive’s work with Apple is discussed, but the biggest revelation comes from Ive’s previous work with Bono.
Bono approached Steve Jobs to offer U2 for inclusion in an iPod commercial, and the eventual deal included the U2 special edition black-and-red iPod. The deal seemed like it might fall through at one point, but “Ive was dispatched in person to take the prototype black-red iPod to Bono at his home in Dublin.” Ive and Bono reportedly hammered out all remaining issues in the deal while drinking in a pub.
“Jony makes some of his greatest decisions while having a drink,” Bono said.