Google Play Movies & TV (free) is now available for the first time on iOS. Google’s app lets users watch movies and TV shows that were purchased or rented from Google Play. At the moment, streaming video only works over a Wi-Fi connection. TV shows are currently available in the U.S., U.K., and Japan.
Shadow Blade ($2) from Crescent Moon Games is a Strider/Shinobi-style ninja action game — in fact, it bears more than a passing resemblance to the upcoming official Strider title from Capcom. Featuring touch controls and a wide variety of weapons, Shadow Blade emphasizes the ninja aspect of the game, rewarding players for “playing sneakily.” Main character Kuro has to avoid traps and sneak around enemies in addition to fighting them head-on. Shadow Blade features 40 levels.
Tinrocket’s Waterlogue ($3) takes photos from your library and makes them look like watercolor paintings. The app is universal and features 12 pre-set styles to control the look of the “watercolor photo.” Users can adjust borders, lightness, and detail, and export images at high resolution.
Although there are so many photo editing apps out there, Waterlogue is certainly worth a look, especially for watercolor fans.
Yahoo News Digest (free) is another great-looking app from Yahoo. A scrollable digest of news, the app updates twice a day — once at 8 a.m. EST, and once at 6 p.m.