AT&T has sent out an email to its iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G customers explaining the situation surrounding the recent exposure of over 100,000 customer emails and SIM ICC-ID numbers. Titled “Important Information About Your iPad 3G,” the email from AT&T Senior Vice President Dorothy Attwood states that a group of “unauthorized computer ‘hackers’” used a web address that’s part of the iPad log-in process to determine users’ iCC-ID numbers and get their email addresses.
It also states that AT&T took “swift action to prevent any further unauthorized exposure of customer email addresses,” and that [w]ithin hours, AT&T disabled the mechanism that automatically populated the email address.” “I want to assure you that the email address and ICC-ID were the only information that was accessible,” Attwood writes. “Your password, account information, the contents of your email, and any other personal information were never at risk.
The hackers never had access to AT&T communications or data networks, or your iPad.” The publication of details relating to the matter recently led the FBI to launch an investigation into the matter.